Corporate Documents, Tax Returns, Etc. is a tax-exempt non-profit organization incorporated in California, United States on 6 February 2007. Our federal tax identification (EIN) number is 26-1798415 (W9).’s activities are governed by its Board of Directors. See the Board page for more information.

Federal 501(c)3 Tax-Exempt Status

We are a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. The effective date of the exemption is 7 February, 2007; our advance ruling ending date is 31 December 2011. For details, please see the advance ruling notice itself:

This is the application we submitted to obtain 501(c)3 status:

State (California) Tax-Exempt Status

We are a tax-exempt charity under the California Revenue and Taxation code, section 23701d. Our purpose is “charitable, educational”, and our organization number is 2945514 (or “corporation number” C2945514). For details, please see our exemption determination letter from the California Franchise Tax Board:

This is the application we submitted to obtain California exemption:

Articles of Incorporation (California)

Our California corporation number is 2945514000.

Tax Returns


Federal tax return for 2020

California state tax return for 2020

  • Coming soon.


Federal tax return for 2019

California state tax return for 2019

  • Coming soon.


California state tax return for 2016

  • Coming soon. We may have accidentally filed this one as being for 2017 instead of 2016; we’ll sort it out with the California Secretary of State and/or Franchise Tax Board as soon as we can and update this section then.